Monday, February 11, 2008

A Bad Case of Stripes

Title: A Bad Case of Stripes
Author & Illustrator: Shannon, David
Publisher: Blue Sky Press, 1998
Genre: Picture Book
Age Range: 1-3rd grade

Summary: This story is of Camilla Cream who loved, loved, loved lima beans but would never eat them in fear of what others would say. All Camilla wanted to do was fit in! Finally, she started to fit in, literally! She turned into the flag during the pledge of allegiance, she turned into a giant pill, she even turned into her room! Camilla was stunning the doctors. They had no idea what was wrong with her! It wasn't until the little old woman came into the room, that was Camilla, and gently coerced what was wrong out of her. All Camilla wanted were lima beans! After eating a few, she began to turn back into herself and never looked back! She ate lima beans all the time.

Response: What a beautiful story and illustrations, too! I think this book is simply amazing. David Shannon includes colorful, double paged spreads that showcase Camilla's colors. Not only through words, but illustrations as well, does he show the reader just how much Camilla wanted to fit in. I think this book is a wonderful read-aloud! It has a great "feel-good" aspect to it as well. One of my favorite photos in the whole book is the one of where Camilla has actually turned into her room! Shannon uses vivid creativity to capture every aspect of Camilla. Her hairbow, her eyes as the windows, her lips as the sheets, and her nose as the dresser. I love how Shannon shows this "roomed girl" as scared, but her parents are scared as well! This is such a neat spread. I also love how Shannon uses food names for each of the characters, Cream, old woman as plump as a strawberry, Dr. Gourd and Dr. Melon. I think this just re-iterates the idea of Camilla turning into this monstrosity because of her favorite food denial! Heck , lima beans are good to me!

Teaching Ideas: Besides being a fun book to read in class, this could be a great way to spark discussion among children about fitting in. As a teacher, you could talk about what makes you unique! Read, Write, Think. Org has a great idea about how to incorporate this into your classroom. I think this is also a great way to make an art project. Why not have students create themselves. They can create draw/paint/color/mold how they view themselves. For example, I love reading. Maybe I would be a giant book!

I hope you enjoy this book, and have fun with it! I know your students will!

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